Karuna and Hao got a paper accepted at NAACL 2025!

The paper entitled “Soft Prompting for Unlearning in Large Language Models” by Karuna Bhaila, Minh-Hao Van, and Xintao Wu, has been accepted to the 2025 Annual Conference of the Nations of the Americas Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL),...

Wu co-chaired the program committee of ICMLA 2024!

Dr. Xintao Wu served as the program committee co-chair of  the 23rd IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, which was successfully held (with 300+ attendees) at Miami, Florida during Dec 18-20, 2024. The main conference received and...

Papers got accepted at IEEE BigData Conference!

The following three papers have been accepted  by the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Big Data which will be held in Washington DC during Dec 15-18. This year the research track of the conference received 660 submissions and accepted 124 regular papers and 130...

Vinay M.S. successfully defended his proposal!

Vinay M.S. successfully defended his dissertation proposal “Contrastive Learning Techniques for Fraud Detection” on October 16, 2024. Congratulations, Vinay! The committee includes Professors Brajendra Panda (EECS), Qinghua Li (EECS), Jiahui Chen (MATH) and Xintao Wu...