Hao received CHASE’24 travel award!

Hao Van receive a Student Travel Award for the 2024 IEEE/ACM  on Connected Health: Applications, Systems and Engineering Technologies (CHASE), which was held at Wilmington, DE, June 19-21, 2024. Funding for this award is made possible by the National Science...

Prateek received Merit Award at NISBRE!

Prateek Verma received the recognition of Scientific Presentation Awards based on the abstracts submitted to the 9th Biennial National IDeA Symposium of Biomedical Research Excellence (NISBRE), which was held at Washington DC during June 16-19, 2024. The conference...

Aneesh got a paper accepted at IJCAI 2024!

The paper entitled “Learning Causally Disentangled Representations via the Principle of Independent Causal Mechanisms” by Aneesh Komanduri, Yongkai Wu, Feng Chen, and Xintao Wu, has been accepted to the 33rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence...

Prof. Zijun Yao visited SAIL

Prof. Zijun Yao from University of Kansas will visit SAIL and give a CSCE colloquium presentation. Seminar Date: Wednesday, April 10, 2024  Time: 10:45am – 12:00pm Location: JBHT 239 Seminar Title: Enhancing Personalization, Transparency, and Trustworthiness in...

Papers got accepted at IJCNN’24 conference!

The following papers have been recently accepted by the IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Network (IJCNN’24), which will be held at Yokohama, Japan during June 30 – July 5, 2024. Congratulations to  Huy, Karuna, Alycia and Hao! Huy Mai, and...