The Thirty-fifth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems Conference (NeurIPS 2021) will be held virtually during Dec 6-14. The following two papers were accepted into workshops.

“Achieving Counterfactual Fairness for Causal Bandit”, authored by Wen Huang, Lu Zhang, and Xintao Wu, has been accepted into  the NeurIPS workshop, Algorithmic Fairness through the Lens of Causality and Robustness (AFCR), as one of the six papers with 10-minutes contributed talk.

“MathBERT:A Pre-trained Language Model for General NLP Tasks in Mathematics Education”, authored by Shen, J.T., Yamashita, M., Prihar, E., Heffernan, N., Wu, X., McGrew, S., & Lee, D, has been accepted into the NeurIPS2021 workshop, Math AI for Education: Bridging the Gap Between Research and Smart Education (Math4ED). The paper was also nominated as the Best Paper!

Congratulations to all authors!