A Tutorial got accepted in IEEE Big Data!

The tutorial  “Anti-discrimination Learning: From Association to Causation” by Lu Zhang, Yongkai Wu, and Xintao Wu  has been selected to be included in the IEEE Big Data 2017 program. Out of a total of 16 tutorial proposal submissions, 8 proposals were...

Shuhan got one short paper accepted at CIKM 2017

“Spectrum-based deep neural networks for fraud detection” authored by Shuhan Yuan, Xintao Wu, Aidong Lu, and Jun Li has been accepted for presentation at CIKM 2017, which will be held in Singapore on November 6-10. CIKM is a highly selective conference, which accepted...

One paper and one poster are presented at PAC 2017

“Differential Privacy Preserving Causal Graph Discovery” authored by Depeng Xu, Shuhan Yuan, and Xintao Wu has been presented as a full paper at PAC 2017, held in  Washington DC  on August 1-3. Among 36 submissions to the Research track, 15 were accepted. “DPWeka:...